Painting is such a fun activity for children of all ages. It is a great way to express individual style and personalities. We have broken painting ideas for kids into the following categories:
- Stamp Painting is great for young children
- Painting projects with Easy Set-Up are great for rainy days,
- Painting with Alternative Materials is a great way to explore painting with different techniques
- Painting with Alternative Paints will give children the opportunity to learn about different types of paints and the wonderful effects they can achieve.
Project Ideas for Kids with Stamping Techniques
Stamp painting is a great way to enable children to create beautiful works of art before they have mastered the skill of detailed painting with paint brushes. Stamp painting will introduce key concepts such as shape matching and creating and recognising patterns. There are endless objects and materials that can be used to create stamps and children will love suggesting their own ideas too!
Latest Projects: Stamping
Painting Ideas for Kids with Easy Set-Up
Painting projects with easy set-up are great for those rainy days! All you need to do is set-up a few simple materials and the children can work away at their creative master pieces! You will be amazed at the array of techniques and ideas they will create with minimal guidance!
Latest Projects: Painting Projects with Easy Set-Up
Painting Projects for Kids with Alternative Materials
By using traditional painting techniques while also incorporating the use of alternative materials, you can create a truly unique and sensory-focused painting experience for children. Children will love to explore their surroundings for items they can use within their painting projects. This is a great way to enable children to experience different types of materials and textures and techniques within their work.
Latest Projects: Painting Projects with Alternative Materials
Painting Projects for Kids Using Alternative Paints
Introducing children to different types of paints can equip them with an insight into the wide range of painting materials available. This will provide them with fun opportunities to experience the different effects each type of paint can achieve.