Check out our superb collection of craft projects for kids! We have listed project ideas by category to help you choose a project based on the materials you wish to work with:
- Cardboard Crafts – these take a little time but provide hours of fun.
- Salt Dough Crafts – are so versatile the options are endless.
- Paper Crafts – are easy to set up and super fun.
- Fabric Crafts – are a great way to introduce early sewing skills.
- Nature Crafts – encourage children to explore the wonders of nature through nature inspired craft projects.
- Miscellaneous Crafts – lots more craft projects to explore!
Cardboard Craft Projects for Kids
Cardboard craft projects for kids create endless hours of engagement. While working with cardboard takes a little extra extra preparation, children will love contributing to the creative process and will marvel in playing with their very own creations at the end!
Latest Projects: Cardboard Crafts
Paper Craft Projects for Kids
Paper crafts are fun for children of all ages. Each project can be adapted based on the age and skill levels of each child. On days where you want to minimise the tidy-up, paper projects may also be easier to manage for younger children as an alternative to painting projects.
Latest Projects: Paper Crafts
Salt Dough Crafts for Kids
Salt dough craft projects are the type of projects that you can return to again and again. They are easy to set up, with just a three simple ingredients (all-purpose flour, salt and water) and they can be used in a huge variety of projects. Also, children love to just play with salt dough in the same way they use play dough, perfect for those rainy days!
Latest Projects: Salt Dough Crafts
Nature Crafts for Kids
Nature provides us with such an abundance of colour, texture and beauty. The best part about nature projects is that they can be combined with an outing with the children, collecting all the materials they need in a bucket. This can create a day packed with activity such as a morning forest walk followed by an afternoon of nature crafts working with their collected items!
Latest Projects: Nature Crafts
Fabric Crafts for Kids
Fabric crafts are a great way to get children interested in different types of textiles. There are also lots of opportunities in fabric projects to introduce the basics of knitting and sewing concepts.
Latest Projects: Fabric Crafts
Miscellaneous Crafts for Kids
This section has been created to embody arts and crafts projects that make use of alternative materials. Arts and crafts can include projects that make use of a wide variety of materials such as wood or glass. And remember arts are crafts include any project that undergoes a creative process to produce a tangible output, there is no single process; it is all down to imagination!