Project Summary:
This colour mixing experiment is so simple to set-up and enables children to explore the concept of primary colours and then mixing the primary colours to create secondary colours.
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Project Details: Colour Mixing Experiment
Materials: |
6 glass jars |
Water |
Red, yellow and blue food dye |
Labels, or white paper, a scissors and a pen |
Step 1: Prepare the materials
The first step is to prepare the materials, the experiment requires 6 jars or containers filled with water. You will also need red, yellow and blue food colouring.

Step 2: Create labels for the experiment
It is a good learning opportunity to enable children to create labels for the experiment.
The first set of labels will be required to describe the three primary colours:
The Primary Colours are:
- Red
- Yellow
- Blue
The next set of labels will be required to describe the secondary colours:
Primary colours can be mixed to make Secondary Colours:
- Red + Blue = ?
- Red + Yellow = ?
- Blue + Yellow = ?
As the children mix the colours they will have fun discovering the answers which they can write on their labels or description cards:
- Red + Blue = Purple
- Red + Yellow = Orange
- Blue + Yellow = Green

Step 3: Set up the primary colours
This step involves setting up the primary colours. Taking the first jar, add a few drops of red food colouring, then add a few drops of yellow food colouring the second jar and add a few drops of blue food colouring to the third jar.
Children will love watching the food colouring disperse through the water to make vibrant colours. Then place the correct labels in front of each jar.

Step 4: Mix Red and Blue = Purple
In the fourth jar, add a few drops of red food colouring and then add a few drops of blue colouring and watch as the two colours combine together to make purple.

Step 5: Mix Red and Yellow = Orange
In the fifth jar, add a few drops of red food colouring and then add a few drops of yellow colouring and watch as the two colours combine together to make orange.

Step 6: Mix Blue and Yellow = Green
In the last jar, add a few drops of blue food colouring and then add a few drops of yellow colouring and watch as the two colours combine together to make green.

Step 7: Write the results on the description cards
The final step is to conclude the experiment by writing the results of the experiment on each description card, and older children may enjoy writing up a science experiment report!